Understanding The Promises of God, Even When You Don't See Them

Psalm 139:5 You have hedged me behind and before, and laid Your hand upon me. 

Did you ever feel let down and deserted during a time of need? Those who don’t understand the promises of God can sometimes feel devastated. When I was thirteen years old we moved to an isolated place in East Africa. One day my parents, brothers and sisters left for the day to pick up supplies, with the plan of coming back that evening. I stayed at home to unpack and protect the place. Something happened which prevented them from returning for three days. During that time I could have become very concerned, but was not the least bit fearful, because I had the protection of the Lord on me. You too, have that same protection, if you are a child of His. He has placed a hedge around you, but wants you to depend on Him to continue maintaining it. Take time to thank Him for the protection He has provided.

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