Our Words Spoken

Are they like a new song? A song that brings joy and comfort to others. Or do they sound like a band playing instruments that are far from being tuned. Make a joyful noise! Let your words be words of love, encouragement and comfort. Words that build others up, and that make a difference.

Mr. Prophet

There are a lot of hurting people in the world. Truth is we don't have to look far to find them. They are around us daily. At work, at the grocery store, within our communities, on the very streets that we live on and sometimes in our own homes.

What can each of us as Christian's do to reach out to others? Maybe the simplicity of a smile, maybe inviting and buying someone lunch, maybe that single mother that's struggling, maybe that girl or boy down the street that lost a father or mother through a divorce. Truly the opportunities to bless others are all around us, and everywhere. May we all be a friend to someone in need and simply be Christ like.

Blessings, from
In His Glorious Name Ministries Online