His Passion Burns Like A Flame Of Fire

Many people don't see God as a loving God, but more so as a God of dread. This is sad because the love of Christ burns like a bright flame.

In fact in the word of God it speaks of Christ's love being so like fire, that many waters cannot quench it. As believers we must come to know, understand and receive freely the love of Christ. We must come to understand that God's love is the very essence of God, and that when Christ died on the cross, that was God's love and passion being poured out.

We must learn to be good receivers, and receive the fullness of the measure of God's love deep into our beings, to know that we are highly favored and deeply precious to God. We must be more willing to allow the Holy Spirit to pour out and fill us with the love of God.

Blessings, in the love of Christ. In His Glorious Name Ministries Online http://inhisgloriousnameministriesonline.blogspot.com

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